Alright I've got some catching up to do! I know some of you have been wondering where on Earth I've been the last month, I think I will break these posts up by each state. So without further adieu...
Originally my trip was supposed to last just a few days while I went to my cousin's wedding. You already saw my awesome 1st class flight :) So we'll just start out after landing in AZ.
Photoshopped by me. Pictures taken by who knows. |
I landed and then waited an hour for my parents to drive in from CA, they left late (what else is new?) but it was only an hour, lets be honest we all know it could have been A LOT worse. ;) We drove straight from the airport to the bridal shower. The next day was the wedding. I think I heard we missed the hottest day of August by 1 degree. Awesome. The sealing wasn't until 4:30 in the afternoon (so it would be "cooler") and they had a wedding planner so we basically had the day to chill. Mike and Emily decided to come last minute so I was excited to see one of my siblings while I was out west. (Little did I know I'd see all my siblings but one on my trek)
The happy couple | | | |
(Picture not taken by me, they took pictures a couple days before, and in the morning when it was in the 80's. My cousin is so smart!)
Stacie's brother, Ryan, is on his mission in Ukraine so they had a life size cut-out :) |
It was so hot outside we decided to go get something refreshing to cool us off. One of my cousins told us to follow them to according to him "the best gas station" I didn't know there was such a thing. It seemed like we drove forever and we began to wonder how great this place must be for us to be driving so far just to get some drinks. Finally we made it to QT and we were not disappointed! It was the best gas station I had ever been too!
Coolest machine ever! You make your own Milkshake. It does everything for you! |
Mike enjoying his Butterfinger Milkshake |
Next was the reception. It was simple in an elegant and beautiful way. It was in a church building, assigned seating. And in each corner there was a white tent with a pretty chandelier hanging from each tent, under one was the cake, another they served Italian Sodas (my favorite part mmmmmm!) And awesome food, and a salad table etc. Each table setting had a piece of paper placed at it. On one side was the game that had funny sentences that sounded like common phases, you know like the game
Mad Gab, they were all wedding/relationship type phrases. Then on the other side was a crossword puzzle about Stacie and Jesse. And then the best part... They played Minute To Win It games! It was awesome!
The bride and I |
My cuz Mindy. I miss her! |
Stacie and Jesse up against each other for the final Minute To Win It game to declare the winner. (sorry I ran out of space on my SD card so I didn't get a full video) They wound up in a draw (point-wise) so they both won prizes... I'm pretty sure it was planned that way. ha
The rest of the trip was way fun. I went shopping with my mom and sister-in-law, took the Watkins pictures which you can see
here. We also got to visit with my Grandma Clement, and cleaned out her OLD camper that had every relief society roll and minutes for the last 40 years or more! My dad and brother had their own little adventure with the trailer that would take too long to tell here but it's a good one! It involves some crack heads... You know it's gotta be good when it involves crack heads. ha Also on the agenda, my Aunt's step-son came home from his mission so we went to his homecoming and made our own Cafe Rio sweet pork tacos and salads, it was truly yummy! And for the first time my cousins kids wanted attention from me :) Usually they kinda do their own thing or get attention from people they know a lot better than me, so it was fun to get to play with them.
Ashley's little boy, Slade. (my phone doesn't take the best photos) |
Morgan at dinner with the cousins |
I was scheduled to fly home August 8th but Brandon was going to CA for work and I really wanted to go with him, plus my sister needed me to babysit her kids at the end of the month in TX. So we decided to cancel my return flight. Bye bye 1st class :( And instead drove to CA with my parents and had my sister get my ticket from CA to TX then on to FL... So the travel log continues... in the next post!
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