Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A little bit of this and a little bit of that...

I'm on week two of my training. Well at least that's what the chart says... I only did two days of my first week. oops. So needless to say when I saw on the chart I had to run 3 miles today I thought I was going to die. only 3 miles! Doesn't sound like much, especially when I told myself it's only 1.5 mi there and 1.5 mi back, I was sure that sounded MUCH better! But nothing helped, my sides were killing me and I walked half the time. I realize it's just the beginning so I keep telling myself it will get better. I have another friend that is going to join us in the race and she lives closer so I will have a running buddy!

Over the weekend my friend Jennifer's son Braden had his 4th birthday party (although he thinks it was his 15th b-day party). He was allowed to invite 8 friends from church and Brother Judd and I were among the 8 lucky friends! Every time Braden saw Brother Judd at church he would say, "you're coming to my party right?" "Don't forget about my party. You're coming right!?" and poor Brother Judd didn't have the heart to tell him that he had a competition and had to work that day. But I "took one for the team" and represented the Judd's at the BEACH party. :) It was real hard let me tell ya! ;) in fact I felt kinda bad because I lived it up at the beach, then cake and ice cream later at the Hawkins' house and then off to Eclipse with the girls while my poor husband had a competition that he wasn't very stoked on and then worked in the sun the rest of the day until around 10:30 pm. Poor guy. I sure had fun though. ;D I also might add that since moving to FL some of my greatest friends have been teenagers... Everyone keeps thinking I'm one of the young women! Brandon and I are sharing a car and he has it a lot for work so I find myself feeling like I'm in high school again. While I was at the beach I was talking to Chamberlynn (16) and Citra (12) about going to see Eclipse and I found myself saying, "Alright so who's mom can take us!?" It was a moment to cherish. haha

Then today after my miserable 3 mi run, us ladies - plus Braden - had a lovely afternoon at "The Barn" which is a charming place where they had great food and fun antique shops to walk around and look at and get fun ideas for future girls camps right Jen? haha Here's some pictures to enjoy from these various events. Enjoy! :)
Braden walking down the pathway of life

Jennifer, her son Stockton and I being our dorky selves.

one of the many breast implants... I mean jellyfish that were washed up on shore

Me and the girls! Chamberlynn (Lt) Shea (Rt)

Chamberlynn is a washed up mermaid

"Think of all the fish out there!"

Bella, Braden's "Girrrl-friend" ;)

At the Barn they brought our food to us in a basket!

The girls (plus Braden) at the Barn


  1. Are you training for a marathon?

  2. I'm training for a 1/2 marathon. My friend wanted me to do a full marathon with her but I just laughed at her. So she convinced me to do a half instead. I'm not a distance runner but it's keeping me motivated to work out and get back in shape. :)

  3. well, at least you don't have oil balls on the beach. The waves look like the Pacific (on a slow day, Ha) Where did you go? I'm training for a run to the fridge w/o getting winded...

  4. We were at a beach on the Atlantic side, that's why there was no oil... the jelly fish were everywhere however. And don't pull a hammy on your way to the fridge. ;)
